ERO# 019-6813 With the…


ERO# 019-6813
With the housing crisis reaching critical levels, it is imperative that all government levels update and or introduce new policies/legislation that allow for logical growth within rural areas. In the Proposal Summary Section it is mentioned that the policy is to be "... housing-supportive is integral to the implementation of the Housing Supply Action Plan and meeting the target to construct 1.5 million NEW homes by 2031"

In the past home owners severed their property the maximum three times for various reasons, but times have changed and we must permit additional severances . Many rural properties have the space that could be severed an additional time to allow for the building for future residents in our community.

Often we only make exceptions for the large developers and forget about local residents who make up our community and need to change their housing needs due to aging and mobility, but are restricted by old rules and policies. Forward thinking is required to assist our members of our communities.
The proposal mentions that Flexibility on the part of municipalities (should include ALL levels of Government) to allow more residential development in the rural areas but this can't be done without the flexibility. The by-laws also require updating to allow for more Entrance Permits i.e. should allow for more that just 8 entrances within a kilometre as is the current rules are restrictive from moving forward .

We must also consider the aging community who are not allowed to severe their property to build a home for their new needs and are forced to move away from their friends and family due to the current regulations. Given the importance of a place to grow not only for new residents but for residents that want to remain in their rural community on the land they purchased and wish to develop to not only help themselves but help others.

Rural property within a 10 kilometre distance from a Village, town, city etc. should be allowed to severe an additional time as these communities are growing at alarming rates. Exceptions to do this are noted for agricultural use or protected area. This allowance would allow for growth of the area and assist in reducing the housing crisis.

It is imperative the the local government be more flexible and not just look at a satellite view of the property but visit the property owner on site to assist in making a logical decision to allow for a severance/variance.

This submission is being completed by Rural property owners who are seniors like many others, who would like the ability to sever their property and stay within their current property/community and not to be forced out due to current antiquated plans.

The new planning proposal would allow for the "ripple affect" to take place which would mean an increase in residents, increase in employment opportunities, increase in infrastructure, and last but not least an increase in REVENUE for the County, Municipality and Province.