Now is NOT the time to…


Now is NOT the time to eliminate intensification and density requirements.

I'm very opposed to the removal of mandatory intensification and density targets for all municipalities. As a resident in a long established uptown neighbourhood, I have seen highrises spring up around me. Ten years ago, I was a NIMBY and fought them vigorously. But as the climate crisis worsens, as our population increases, and especially as costs of imported foods skyrocket (but locally produced food available at our local farmers market remains affordable), I have changed my thinking. Preserving farmland and preventing car-dependent suburbs, eliminating the need to commute for even basic necessities is far more important.

This is not the time to eliminate intensification and density requirements.

Just because the Home Builders Association are wanting a piece of the action that highrise builders have been getting for decades is not a good reason to drop these requirements. Dropping these requirements sends the message that urban sprawl and car dependent rural estates that eat up farmland are desirable. They aren't. They can't be when people are dying of heat exhaustion, or lining up for food banks because the only food they can buy is imported and unaffordable.