I am absolutely opposed to…


I am absolutely opposed to many of the planned policy changes which are included in a Place to Grow and the Provincial policy statement which are designed to from a new provincial planning policy instrument because they put retention of irreplaceable agricultural land and consequently Ontario's ability to feed itself at much greater risk. Please consider the following points and reject this course of action:
1. Settlement area boundaries - Higher density development within existing settlement boundaries can provide the needed housing.
2. Additional residential units on exiting farm parcels - policy requires clearer and more specific criteria to insure that the housing remains related to farming.
3. Do not tamper with MDS as it has proven to be a valuable tool for separating livestock facilities and permanent manure storages from neighboring non-farm uses thus reducing neighborhood friction and farmer stress, burnout, and bailout.
4. The PPS should be a baseline that allows local Municipalities to protect its own agricultural land.
5. The Agricultural Impact Assessment be maintained for land use proposals with few if any exceptions.
6. Do not remove the words "all municipal" from section 4.2.1(e)(1). Ontario must continue to protects water supplies and wetland in a way that prioritizes Normal farm Practices.