I understand that you are…


I understand that you are interested in hearing from farmers in Ontario to gauge our reaction to Bill 97 and the Proposed Provincial Planning Statement.

I am writing to voice my support for the proposal to allow for the voluntary severing of up three lots per farm parcel.

There are many good reasons why residential lot creation in agricultural areas does makes sense. Allowing farmland severance on less productive areas of the farm will enhance rural economies and increase property tax base for small rural townships and counties. It will also help in a small way alleviate the housing crisis Ontario currently is facing. Agricultural productivity is increasing and farm land cropped area is increasing especially in Northern and eastern regions that are recording a slight increase in temperatures as a result of climate change. Farm operations are increasing in size and demanding a more skilled workforce that has a preferance to reside closed s to the farm operation without having to reside in the larger farmyards of todays farm units. Simply putting housing in the farm stead itself is not advisable as it becomes a possible health and safety issue for raising a family with small children. A severed parcel slightly away from the farm operation is a much more practical solution in todays modern farm. A young family may desire to have home ownership while they build up equity to buy the farm which may be owned by multiple family members. Skilled modern day farm employees who prefer to live near the farm may also strive to have home ownership while working on the farm.
Roads and infrastructure already exist in rural areas and do not have to be built which lessens the demand on aggregate mining to build roads and sidewalks.
Sevrvices such as waste management internet and I ground services already may exist on roads hence lowering the property taxes for existing property owners.
Large farm equipment in use on todays larger farms has made some small parcels of land non farmable. This provides infilling opportunities for residential housing on lands no longer being used in agriculture.

There are many farmers in rural areas without livestock who welcome the opportunity to have their farm severed into two additional lots., I feel this is good planning for farm transition to the next generation as well as attracting the skilled labour todays farms need to operate. We have a housing shortage in this province and severing farm parcels is a way to ensure farmers have the ability to have the next generation farm and also have a skilled workforce find houses close to their workplace to keep the farm operational.

Right to farm legislation addresses any concerns farmers may have with non farm folk living in rural areas. Currently 80 percent of the rural population in my County are no longer farming due to farm consolidation and there are very few conflicts with non farmers, Fruit and vegetable growers often sell their produce to their neighbours through roadside stands to make extra income for their families.

I also support the current and future use of Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) standards to regulate development in rural areas.

Allowing lot severances enables our children and grandchildren to have the choice to farm and to invest in their house without connecting directly in the farm business. Severed residential lots will protect the future of the farm in the event of unexpected changes in our farm operation and that of our children’s paths from uncontrollable circumstances.

I respectfully ask that the government to continue with its proposal to allow for the severing of farmland parcels in recognition of the current and future value and importance of agriculture to the province. A voluntary farm lot severance policy will not be engaged in by all family farms however it will help many struggling family farms who may not have the benefit of supply management marketing systems continue to farm for many years to come in the Province.