Scientists and…


Scientists and environmentalists are screaming out as much as they can to tell all of us - government, citizens, schools, the world, that we must stop now! Stop stealing environmental spaces to use for inefficient housing. We must change the way we live in order to preserve farmland, endangered species and environments. Any changes that promote inefficient growth - single family dwellings, increase our carbon footprints. You, clever government planners, know all of this. Take a brave stand! Listen to the ubiquitous calls of alarm. Our ways of growth must be managed with a look to the frightening future to help us all. We need to eat - don't have our farmlands used for anything except growing food. We need to share - build houses for immigrants and lower income people that are accessible and affordable. We need to produce less carbon - organize housing closer to job locations. Build more electric charging stations. Give us our future back! If you don't do something, who will? Listen to the calls of alarm instead of dismissing them. Please.