We are located in the…


We are located in the Municipality of Central Elgin, County of Elgin - this is the region where the new Volkswagen plant and the new Amazon facility are opening.
1. Generate an Appropriate Housing Supply - We are located in a fast growing Municipality where thousands of new jobs will be opening starting in October and continuing over the next few years. Housing will be number one in this area to house all of the new workers needed. Allowing farmers to Sever Lots off their properties is key to making the availability of housing work.
2. Make Land Available for Development - We need to be looking at long term planning as a whole in Elgin County to make everything come together for the future growth that is about to explode in this area.
3. Provide Infrastructure to Support Development - Municipalities need to be planning for the future in the most economically way - starting with sharing Services and Staff. Sharing large services such as Waste Water Management projects...planning now to accommodate future needs. Planning road systems for the future increase in traffic flow. Schools on various corners of the Municipality to look after all housing communities.
4. Balance housing with resources - Farmland in our area is mostly used for cash crop - corn/soybeans/wheat/beans - with a few vegetable farms. Cash crops on a whole are over produced in Canada and thousands of tonnes are exported around the would every year, as we don't consume enough here in Canada. To use some farmland for housing to benefit the Community as a whole would be a positive for all.
5. Implementation - The availability of Lot Severances off of farms and increased housing community development needs to be implemented in Elgin County/St Thomas/Central Elgin immediately to accommodate the thousands of people moving into our area for Amazon and Volkswagen. Working with Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry - but not using this system to put up road blocks to development.

We need to allow this process to move quickly - communication should be made directly with farmland tax payers - not just certain association with a few members that speak for the masses - it is time that the people who pay land taxes have a say in what their land will be used for.
Our area is on the map today with one of the largest auto plants ever to be build in North America. Let's be a progressive and welcoming community with future Industrial/Commercial and Residential development.

Elgin we are open for Business!

Thank you