One size does not fit all…


One size does not fit all. Planning needs to remain local. Only local leaders know what works and doesn't in each municipality. In Waterloo Region we have a comprehensive and well thought out 30 year plan that has essentially been overruled by a higher level of government that does not live or work here.
Developing greenbelt land is not sustainable. These lands are essential to all people and animals. We cannot continue to pave over the land that sustains us. Many reports have identified there is enough brownfield land for development to last us several decades. These lands are also typically already services with the infrastructure needed. It is clear by the land purchases by large developers in the Greenbelt that they were given forewarning by the Ontario government that these areas would be opened up for development even though Doug Ford promised not to. It's obvious that this government cares more about their well being than the ordinary citizens of this province.
With the lower of development fees it is now the taxpayer that will bear the cost of growth. What happened to "growth pays for growth"?
With typically single family home prices near $1M in Waterloo region how does building more of the same address the affordability crisis?
The Ontario government's anti-democratic methods need to stop. They don't always know what is best for us.
This province is not the one I grew up in. It has changed for the worse. Unrelenting growth is bad for everything and everyone.