Dear Honorable Minister…


Dear Honorable Minister Steve Clark,

I am writing on behalf of Ahmed Group to express our unequivocal support for the proposed Provincial Planning Statement, as detailed in the document with the Environmental Registry of Ontario Posting # 019-6813.

We understand that the proposed Statement aims to amalgamate and streamline policies from both A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020. This initiative resonates with our company's ethos of promoting sustainable and responsible development.

The proposed Statement's comprehensive approach to land use planning, which balances appropriate development with the protection of provincial resources, public health, safety, and the quality of the natural and built environment, is commendable. We believe that this approach will contribute significantly to a more effective and efficient land use planning system whilst taking significant steps to address the Housing Supply Crisis.

Moreover, the Statement's emphasis on comprehensive, integrated, place-based, and long-term planning aligns with our commitment to fostering strong communities, a clean and healthy environment, and economic growth. We are particularly encouraged by the Statement's focus on providing a diverse range of housing options for all Ontarians.

We strongly urge that the proposed Provincial Planning Statement be adopted as soon as possible. The sooner it is put in place, the sooner we can begin to mitigate the ongoing housing crisis in Ontario.

We are eager to witness the positive impacts of the proposed Provincial Planning Statement on Ontario's land use planning and development. Rest assured, the Ahmed Group is committed to working within this framework and contributing to the achievement of housing objectives across Ontario.

We extend our gratitude for your efforts in improving land use planning and management in Ontario. We stand ready to support and contribute to the successful implementation of the proposed Provincial Planning Statement.


Moe Ahmed
President and CEO
Ahmed Group of Companies Inc.

Supporting documents