Please see the attached…


Please see the attached correspondence made on behalf of our client 39 Wynford Inc ("Wynford") providing comments regarding the proposed new Provincial Planning Statement.

In general, Wynford generally supports the new definition of “Employment Area” as well as the policies of the New PPS which promote greater mixed use growth and intensification in Major Transit Station Areas (“MTSAs”) and the development of complete communities. However, Wynford remains concerned with how the new definition of “Employment Area” may be interpreted in the absence of clearer direction on the status of lands that are currently designated as Employment Areas in municipal official plans and that currently either include permissions for and/or have existing commercial and institutional uses. These lands would now be expressly excluded from the new definition of Employment Areas. In particular, we respectfully recommend that the Minister include clear policy guidance that confirms that lands with permitted or existing commercial or institutional uses are no longer subject to policies requiring Employment Lands conversions in order to be redesignated and that such lands may amend their official plan designation by way of an official plan amendment application pursuant to section 22 of the Planning Act. In addition, we also respectfully recommend that the Minister impose timeframes for municipalities to update their official plans and zoning by-laws to be consistent with the New PPS.