Do not break up farms…


Do not break up farms...subdividing each farm into 3 main lots to provide 12 homes! How foolish! Yes there is a housing crisis, but does the government not understand we have a FOOD CRISIS. We need every acre of land to produce local food. Look around,..Ontario is the major producer of Barley, Rye, Oats,Corn,Soy Beans, Cabbage, Potatoes- important for Bread, cholesterol diets, diabetes control, etc. How about apple orchards, grapes for wine, pears, peaches plums for regular provision of fruit! Without the land for food, we then increase the price of food! How silly and foolish to think we can have our food shipped in from California, Mexico and other far away places...Adding unnecessary expense to our daily food! Do not approve this foolish policy of turning valuable food producing land into land growing houses.