Please update Section 2.9 on…


Please update Section 2.9 on “Energy Conservation, Air Quality and Climate Change” to clearly mention that maintaining, retrofitting and adaptively-reusing existing buildings and structures is a good way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for the impacts of a changing climate.

Please extend the deadline for heritage designation to December 31, 2026. There is not enough time for the volunteers who serve on municipal heritage committees to evaluate such a large number of properties and have them designated.

Please make sure that the policies that require municipalities to demonstrate the need for expansion prior to creation of new Settlement Areas remain in effect.

Please do not allow for more residential development in rural settlements and multi-lot residential development on rural lands. This is contrary to other outlined objectives including “to prepare for the impacts of a changing climate and develop approaches to reduce greenhouse gas emissions”.

Please require municipalities to protect specialty crop areas AND prime agricultural areas.

Please do not eliminate the provincially-mapped Agricultural System.