It is important to note that…

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Commentaire fait au nom

Whitevale Residents' Association

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It is important to note that at this time I have seen nothing that restores the Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDP). The plan was intended to chart the course for development of Seaton and the Agricultural Preserve. It was necessary to deep six the plan in its entirety in order to remove the DRAP from its control. Unless this is reinstituted the landowners on the Seaton side will be allowed to do whatever they want to. The CPDP was hammered out over a period of months at the OMB and provided a plan for Seaton and provision to plan the DRAP. It is necessary to replace it, in order for the orderly development of Seaton. It was removed during Bill 23 and 39 and it is essential that the CPDP be restored.