We are writing to advise…

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We are writing to advise that while we are in full support of the New Act regarding the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve easements and covenants (ERO 019-7735) to protect DRAP in perpetuity, in light of recent history, there is one crucial amendment that must be made.

As detailed in the Ministry of Natural Resources October 31, 2005 Backgrounder, conservation easements held under the Conservation Land Act protected the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve land for agricultural uses in perpetuity. However there have now been two situations where these easements were arbitrary removed by the whim of the politicians of the day.

In March 2005, without consulting the province, the then Town of Pickering, who held the conservation easements, removed the easements on two-thirds of the DRAP properties. In response, in October 2005, the Ontario government introduced Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve Act, 2005 (DRAPA) that reinstated the conservation easements ensuring that the then Town of Pickering honoured agreements to permanently set aside the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve for agricultural uses.

In 2022 the Ford government stripped all four layers of protection from the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve, including the 2005 DRAPA, Ontario Regulaton 154/2003 / Minister's Zoning Order, the Central Pickering Development Plan, and Greenbelt Plan, designating DRAP’s 4,700 acres to future development. Thereby releasing the easements a second time.


In keeping with the submission from Ontario Farmland Trust (OFT), we are in full support of the OFT’s proposal as outlined in their submission:

“As part of the ongoing commitment to safeguard the DRAP lands and uphold the integrity of the subject farmland conservation easements, OFT is proposing that our organization be instated as the holder of the DRAP conservation easement agreements. With nearly two decades of experience in farmland conservation easement agreements and a deep-rooted mission to protect and preserve Ontario's farmland, OFT is uniquely positioned to ensure the long-term protection and monitoring of these agreements. By deepening our collaboration, the government and OFT can jointly advance our shared objectives. Such a partnership would have positive results over issues that the public cares deeply about, underscoring the proactive steps taken by the administration."

As such we request that the following amendment be made to the New Act regarding the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve Easements and Covenants, 2023 as follows:

That the Ontario Farmland Trust be immediately instated as the holder of the DRAP conservation easement agreements.

The Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve - 4,700 acres of prime agricultural and natural heritage land must be protected in perpetuity. Now is the time to ensure that history does not repeat itself in Pickering and ensure robust protection of DRAP such that it cannot be dismantled again through a backdoor.

Thank you,