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Your company stated on, "We are committed to protecting the environment and promoting a sustainable future." Please explain how up to 120 trucks will be coming into our small town and surrounding areas, operating 24/7 is protecting the environment? It is my understanding that these trucks will be diesel trucks as most dump trucks run off of diesel. Emission from these engines produce ground level ozone which in turn damages our agricultural sector by damaging crops, trees and vegetation. Diesel engines are the biggest cause of roadside air pollution. The immediate neighbours will have their lives disrupted with the on going traffic, thus devaluing the price of their homes. You should not be able to expand or even operate a waste processing site so close to our town. This facility has been used very minimally for the past 50 years. Laws should’ve changed over these past 50 years and zoning requirements should also change as a result. The town has changed a lot in the past 50 years! The provincial government should not have a say in this matter. The Ford government says they are working for the people and listen to our concerns, then they know we are not in favour of this. Doug Ford you once were quoted saying “Friends, together we will get it done”, you are correct you and your government will get it done by ruining our town. If the Ford government sees no issue with this proposed amendment to expand and operate this facility, then he should have no problem offering his own property or the surrounding properties of his government officials as a transfer station.