This site is far too close…

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This site is far too close to our town (only 1km instead of the required 3.5km) and that is very concerning since both the highschool, many homes and the river will be right there. Molly's Creek which feeds into the river will be right by this site and could easily be contaminated, harming the wildlife which includes endangered mussels and turtles (just to name a few). Folks near this site depend on waterwells, which also could be upset/harmed by the type of activities this facility dump will bring.

Another issue is the height of the walls, farmers around this area may have their crops affected if sunlight blocks any portion of their fields. Not to mention if they choose to operate at the capacity they are proposing the increased traffic will hurt not only our roads and disturb the citizens greatly (it is so quiet here you can hear an ATV rev while it zips by)...But the farmers will experience an extremely great upset when our yearly tomato run/harvest to the in-town factory begins. The only effective way through our town is across the bridge (the river cuts right through) and the people who actually live here need it to be free for regular traffic/emergency services.

York1 has shown no traffic plans and even if they re-route, it will cause issue to our neighboring towns (we are not extremely close to major highways). We are nestled near many other small towns and not set up in the least for a facility aiming to bring tonnes and tonnes of debris.

Addressing debris next, there is significant worry that these materials could harm our air, water and soil quality if anything was to leak or scatter (silicate materials/potential asbestos in construction materials). The "dump" that was there prior was for wood and what York1 is trying to use the land's current permits/permissions for are not in the least suited for what it really was originally operated on. This would be a much better benefit elsewhere since their aim is to recycle and sell materials, but Dresden has little to no demand for what it is providing.

They seem set on selling to the states from what was said in the meeting the held and the border is still a good ways away from us (Windsor or Sarnia might have been a better location to consider). Overall, York1's planning is not considerate of its very closeby citizens who highly value their historical town, wildlife and respecting the rural farmers/waterwell people.