Where to even begin with how…

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Where to even begin with how much regarding how our peaceful little town does not want this to proceed? Firstly this site s a defunct tile yard/incenerator/wood lot that has been idle for YEARS. It is located 1km, yes only 1km next to our town instead of the 3.5km that all facilities of this type are supposed to be located away from. It is literally near our highschool, cemetery and Molly's Creek that feeds directly into the Sydenham River.

Secondly, to address the River, it is home to many endangered and recovering species within or around the water (eagles, Cooper's Hawks mussles, trurtles, wood ducks just to name a few). The River is where many families fish, boat and enjoy but this facility is wanting to dump stormwater into it, which raises many concerns if even the slightest thing was to go wrong. Not only that York1 is proposing leachate ponds that with the close proximity to the river and its flood concerns it is a recipe for disaster.

Thirdly, the leachate has no local place to be processed in Chatham-Kent. The CK Council stated in there last meeting that the ones we have are contracted to other facilities and cannot take on anything from this site. That raises many, many concerns about even more increased traffic to haul it out of the area.

Lastly traffic...Our town only has one direct path through and no where near equipped for the kind of 24/7 trucks York1 wants in order to operate. If they re-route it will just interfere with our sister towns and hinder the farmers during harvest season (our entire town is very condensed during tomato run to the tamato factory). To bring up the proximity to schools, the highschool is extremely close by and students are bused in, bringing even more concern about safety. Our roads are not suited for this high load of traffic, we barely can accommodate during town events like our Christmas or Summer Night Markets.

I highly implore a new EA assessment before anything even is thought to be done. This use of such an old lot feels like skirting many legimate questions and concerns. It is not only property values of homes being in such an unreasonable distance (again 1km is not safe or satisfactory for anyone to be living near)...But as stated above the people of Dresden do not want the environment disturbed/forced into a one-sided thing (with so many negatives to us) by a big-scale company project that is not beneficial to our locals (Dresden has no use for a construction recycling plant, we are a small historically significant place).