This company is trying to…

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This company is trying to push through a dump in our town. They have been secretive about their plans and deny that they have done so. They notified the Municipality about their plans at the last minute and Dresden was unaware of this proposal. At the meeting Friday there were police officers present. That was a good thing as the residents of Dresden and adjacent area are really incensed. Dresden is a small, and peaceful small town with a wonderful history. The Underground Railroad ends in Dresden and Dresden was the sanctuary that so many people sought to escape slavery in the US. Uncle Tom's cabin is just outside Dresden and is a sought after tourist attraction.
There is one main street through Dresden and one stoplight. This company denies the added traffic will affect Dresden, but it will clog that one street especially especially during harvest. This is an agricultural town with a cannery in it's midst. The news of this plan has already effected the real estate industry as people are afraid to buy houses in Dresden in case this goes through. It is going to affect the merchants with the roads clogged with trucks. The road passes the arena used for competitive hockey, an elementary and high school. The safety of the children is of utmost importance. As for the presentation on Friday they were ill prepared for questions and advised us to go talk to "George''. He said he was shocked that people were upset.I live just outside and wanted to retire and move into town-NOT NOW.