To Whom It May Concern, I am…

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To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed amendment to Environmental Compliance Approval No. A020401 for the waste processing site owned by York1, located at 29831 Irish School Road in Dresden, Ontario. This proposed amendment seeks to transform a small area into a megadump recycling facility, a move that poses significant environmental risks and threatens the well-being of our community.

First and foremost, the proposed facility's conversion to a megadump recycling facility raises serious concerns about the preservation of our local environment and ecosystems. The Sydenham River and Molly's Creek, which are in close proximity to the proposed site, serve as vital habitats for various wildlife species. The potential pollution and contamination resulting from increased waste processing activities could have devastating effects on these delicate ecosystems, leading to irreversible damage to biodiversity and the surrounding environment.

Furthermore, the proposed amendment bypasses the necessary environmental assessment process, which is in place to ensure that significant environmental impacts are thoroughly evaluated and mitigated. By circumventing this process, York1 is undermining the principles of environmental stewardship and disregarding the potential long-term consequences of their actions on our community and natural surroundings.

Additionally, the proposed megadump recycling facility raises legal concerns regarding compliance with environmental regulations and standards. York1's attempt to expand their operations without undergoing proper environmental assessments and public consultation violates the principles of transparency and accountability that are fundamental to our regulatory framework. It is imperative that any proposed developments undergo rigorous scrutiny and adhere to established legal protocols to safeguard the interests of both the community and the environment.

In conclusion, I urge the relevant authorities to reject the proposed amendment to Environmental Compliance Approval No. A020401 for the York1 waste processing site. The potential environmental risks and legal implications associated with the conversion to a megadump recycling facility far outweigh any perceived benefits. Our community's well-being and the integrity of our natural environment must be prioritized above short-term economic interests.

Thank you for considering my concerns regarding this matter.