Our entire community does…

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Our entire community does not welcome York 1 to Dresden Ontario
We are so thankful that citizens in our town realized what York 1 was doing before it was too late and finding information regarding their landfill proposal without the information being given to the actual town where the site would be.

Endangering our towns water,roadways,safety of our children riding buses to school in a rural setting with hundreds of additional trucks running 24/7. Having their site proposal 1 km from the town which is against the less than 3km range that is required.

Endangering wildlife and endangered species in Mollys creek and eventually into the Sydenham River. All of this with no thought to the actual people who live in Dresden. A small town who do not want York 1 here.

Please listen to the people of Dresden. We cannot be the Guinea pigs to a company that doesn’t care what happens to our families and the value of our residences.

Please do not let greed overcome what is right and let York 1 bring tonnes of waste a day 1 km away from our country residences with no thought to our safety or the safety of our land and water and endangered species.

How can the Chatham Kent municipality, and Doug Ford government ever think this was a good thing for us. The town knows what is in store if the first is passed. It’s only a matter of time before it becomes out of control and we sentenced to a disaster for our town.

Say no to York 1!!! They do not care about Dresden. They will do and say whatever it takes to win. Please listen to the people who reside here and know we need support to stop this and keep our agricultural land as is.
