I have many concerns for…

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I have many concerns for this proposal submitted by York 1 for both human health and environmental impact.

It is well researched that living within a 5km radius of a landfill can cause major health impacts due to the gas emissions. As a resident in Dresden and living within 2km of this megadump and a baby on the way, I am worried of the health impacts this will have on myself and my growing family. Furthermore, as from a population health approach, this will significantly cost our local health system as this is likely to increase a type of hospitalization called Ambulatory Care Sensitive Condition (ACSC) Hospitalizations. These types of hospitalizations are typical of COPD and asthma. Chatham-Kent already has high rates of ACSC hospitalizations and a landfill in close proximity to our community will only increase this. ACSC hospitalizations are very costly to our local health system. Lastly, Chatham-Kent, and specifically Dresden, is experiencing a healthcare provider shortage specifically for primary care providers. If a landfill goes in, it will make recruitment and retention of primary care providers to this area even more difficult.

Additionally, a construct that is very related to population health is Material Deprivation. Material Deprivation is a measure of poverty and inequity and those who experience higher levels of Material Deprivation are more likely to experience poorer health outcomes. Chatham-Kent has substantially higher material deprivation rates than that of the province and Dresden is no exception. With a landfill being built 1km from our community it is expected for residents' property value to decrease. Given that most have their investments in real-estate, this will only further increase levels of material deprivation being experienced in Dresden. This results in poorer health outcomes and higher health system costs. It is well documented that those with the highest levels of material deprivation in Chatham-Kent have the highest rates of ACSC hospitalizations. Furthermore, living in such close proximity to a dump will increase the rates of mental health and addictions.

Therefore, this landfill will have ample effects on the populations health for those residing within a 5km radius of this landfill. This radius will encompass the entire town of Dresden and neighbouring farms. The biggest concern for population health is the lack technology and modernization of landfills to suppress gasses emitted by a dump and policies to protect human health and enforcement of such policies to maintain the health of Dresden residents. As such, this creates great inequities upon the residents of Dresden and should not be allowed to move forward with such a project.

Environmental impact is also a huge concern for the waterways surrounding the proposed landfill and the animals that call home to this area. Molly Creek surrounds the proposed landfill site, which collects runoff from that land. This creek runs into the Sydenham river. These waterways inhabit 33 species at risk, some of which are only found in this area. There are no policies or enforcement of such policies that will protect these species and the keeping these waterways clean of pollutants. The risk of having a landfill in this area is also of high concern given the high risk of flooding that would diminish efforts to contain landfill pollutants. The risk of making irreversible impacts on the environment is high. Dresden and Chatham-Kent as a whole pride ourselves on the rich environmental diversity that resides here and this landfill is a detriment to this legacy. The proposed land for this landfill jeopardizes the surrounding environment and the species that call it home!

Therefore, due to the high risk of negative impacts to both human and environmental health, I strongly recommend that this proposal is not approved.