This proposal needs to be…

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This proposal needs to be stopped now! The proposed dump is way too close to Dresden and is an irresponsible decision to move forward. There are a multitude of reasons why this proposal makes no sense and is completely dangerous.

1) The proximity of the dump to Dresden is way too close. It is just outside of Dresden. The smells and irreversible effects of the dump will plague the town of Dresden, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The tax paying citizens of Dresden say NO!

2) Dangers to our children! With the increased traffic to and from the dump will put the Youth of Dresden in a dangerous situation. With more traffic, and the fact that children walk the streets of our safe and quiet town, we will see instances of increased traffic accidents and God forbid, a child being hit and killed by these large and heavy dump trucks flying down our small town streets.

3) Causing years and years of irreversible damage to the environment! With every action, there is a reaction. Bringing In Garbage and toxic materials outside of Dresden and Chatham-Kent into our homelands will absolutely pollute the lands around the dump. With the Sydenham River being so close, with water ways flowing from the dump to the river, the Dump coming to the area will just ensure the future generations of Dresden and its rural neighbors will have health problems for years to come. If you are not giving Chatham-Kent about 3 billion dollars extra to pay for all the medical bills that will be generated in the years to come from the residents getting cancers and other pollution-related sickness and disease, this dump will cost our Government a fortune! No one will actually make money off this venture. You may get a payday for the short-term, but longer term it will be a huge cost.

3) Killing Unique Animal Species of the Sydenham. The Sydenham River houses many species of wildlife that are only found there or are endangered. This dump will kill the Sydenham River making it polluted and uninhabitable. Not only does this dump harm the residents of Dresden, it will extinct wildlife species!

4) Property values will definitely decrease as no one wants to live by a dump. Give your head a shake. Would you want to live by a dump? Didn't think so! Dump equals lost home value. Are you going to pay for the home value loss? Didn't think so, so go away!

5) our Roadways, Bridges and other infrastructures will be in a worse form. With the extensive traffic and weight of the vehicles driving down our roadways will cause the roads to become broken down and worn. This will result in increased costs, as we will have to continously fix the damage that these trucks are causing our thoroughfares and bridges. This will result in increased property taxes on a devalued home that no one will want to buy.

6) turning the Cleanest town in Chatham Kent to the Dump Town. Dresden is known for its clean streets. Honestly, Dresden is the Cleanest towns in Chatham Kent and surrounding counties. Why would you transform the most glorious jewel of Chatham Kent and turn it in to Cubic Zirconia!

7) This Dump takes away Dresden's basic rights of clean air and clean water. We have that now! If you bring your dump here, we won't! Adding the dump will pollute the air we breath (believe me we will smell the toxic fumes rather quickly) and make our drinking water unsafe! We drink our water from Sydenham. Once you bring in the dump, the creeks will carry it to the Sydenham and we will all get cancer and die

8) It is a very stupid placement of a Dump! It takes 25 minutes from where the dump will be located to drive to the 401. That is 25 minutes of roadways that will be destroyed by heavy vehicles. A much smarter placement of the dump would be just off of the 401 away from any towns or populous areas. That way, less roadways would be damaged and people's homes and lives would not be destroyed.

9) We don't want Toronto's trash! This isn't even a question. We don't want to house Toronto's Trash at the expense of our people.