I am a resident of Dresden,…

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I am a resident of Dresden, Ontario, and we currently do not have a MPP to represent us. Thank you for taking the time to listen to our concerns about the York1 ERO proposals for the property at 29831 Irish School Road, which is a short 1KM distance from the northern edge of the town of Dresden in Chatham-Kent. I have lived in this community for nearly 34 years, and I own and operate a business in the community.

When we learned on February 1st, of the York1 plans to construct a large waste processing facility at this address, we were in disbelief that this was something that could even happen, when it is so close to the beautiful and historic town of Dresden, that we call home.

After a public meeting on February 10th, where they discussed and presented their plans for the property, touting it to be a "Regenerative Recycling Facility", it became abundantly clear that this was their plan, and we felt that any concerns we have about the very close proximity to our town of nearly 3000 people, didn't matter. Plans they have to support the community economically/financially, is not something, that any of us are interested in. The way we see it, there is no economical/financial gain to the community as a whole, or individually to the residents, as our property values will decline being so close to a landfill...not to mention the negative physical and mental health effects, to each and every one of us, living in Dresden, or on the outskirts. Needless to say, none of us want this.

We have been doing our due diligence by researching facts, to fully understand the impact of this proposal on our small rural and agricultural community, which includes the potential detriment to the Molly's Creek and Sydenham River ecosystems, and trying to find opportunities that would enable us be a collective voice to express our non-support of a landfill being erected within such a short 1KM distance from town.

We learned of the enactment of Bill 197 that received Royal Assent on July 21, 2020. The biggest piece in Bill 197, that we have been studying is in Schedule 6 (Environmental Assessment Act), Section 10, where there is language about local municipalities' support and a 3.5KM distance. We have been in contact with our local Councillors and the mayor about York1's proposal and our non-support of their plans...and they are in support of rejecting the York1 proposal.

Further, we have learned that Molly's Creek, that runs through a portion of the property, does have protections with St. Clair Region Conservation Authority under Ontario Regulation 171/06. Molly's Creek drains into the Sydenham River, which flows through Dresden...Tupperville...Wallaceburg...and towards Walpole Island.

Additionally, we have learned some other key details, as it pertains to Molly's Creek and Sydenham River. The location of York1's proposed site borders onto Wetlands that drain into the Sydenham River watershed that is part of the Carolinian Life Zone. The St. Clair Region Conservation Authority contributes to preservation of this area and species at risk, as articled in ERO 013-4143.

Further to this, Sydenham River has been identified as a river at risk, as per Carolinian Canada.

Also to note is that in 1984, the Canada Carolinian Coalition identified the Sydenham River corridor, as one of 38 critical natural areas, in need of urgent protection.

Lambton Wildlife and Sydenham Field Naturalists, alerted Ontario Nature, and the creation of the Sydenham River Nature Reserve in the Carolinian Life Zone was announced on December 19, 2016.

Through our extensive research, we discovered that according to the Municipality of Chatham-Kent zoning maps, that the property is not currently zoned as landfill, but General Industrial (M2). We expressed this discovery to the municipality and my councillor, who was in attendance at the February 10th meeting, and beyond in further communications. We further expressed concerns, that the ECA numbers (A021304 and A020401), are not listed on the Ontario's listing of large Landfill sites nor Small Landfill Sites (opened/closed). We have found old ECA numbers for closed locations, and there was one for Dresden (A021306). I would also like to add that the A020401 in their proposal, does not exist on any current landfill site listing. So, we find it concerning that they are trying to use an ECA number, that does not appear in any landfill nor waste disposal site listing, that any of us have been able to find.

Finally, I would like to add from Ontario.ca, from "D-4 Land Use On or Near Landfills and Dumps". In Section 5.4 - Land use beyond 500 metres of a fill area, it states "Historical evidence in Ontario has shown that the maximum distance within which adverse effects could be experienced while a landfill is operating is up to 3 kilometres." With this statement, it is clear that having any landfill operations at 29831 Irish School Road, that is a short 1KM from Dresden, will have adverse effects on the residents of the community.

With all this information, we do not approve of York1's proposal and hope that you do not approve their proposal to build a landfill in Dresden, Ontario.