This project should never…


This project should never proceed. A full complete environmental assessment needs to be done. The health of the residents is at risk, the environment is at risk, an the future of may small towns is at risk. If this project proceeds, all small towns that ever had an incinerator and buried ash in a small area will be at risk of being put at risk in the future.

A permit from 1971 should not be allowed to be grandfathered in, this was never used as a landfill in the sense that York1 is trying to open. They are proposing an entirely new use for this land and permit. The original permit only allows 95% fly ash and 5% other. This in not what York1 is proposing, they are proposing an NEW landfill with an entirely NEW use. Therefore the legal non conforming right should NOT apply. This right should only apply if the evolution, expansion or intensification does not cause undue adverse impacts on the surrounding neighbourhood or area and this is not true in the York1 vs Dresden case.

This would never happen with any other type of permit. What York is proposing is going to cause adverse health effects, adverse environmental effects, adverse effects on our roadways, adverse effects on the eco system of the Sydenham river, adverse effects to water wells, adverse effects to the aquifer, adverse effects to our property values (sales have already been abandoned) and many other adverse effects. According to a series of decisions dating back to the 1950's including from the Supreme Court, legal non conforming use should not apply if the evolution, expansion or intensification causes adverse impacts on the neighbourhood or area,

Therefore this project needs to be halted immediately.