Why Bill 185 must go. 1. …


Why Bill 185 must go.

1. Citizens must have a right to appeal planning decisions at the Ontario Land Tribunal or its equivalent.
2. Low density urban sprawl must not be allowed on farmland and other rural land. Local food and water security must come first.
3. A comprehensive review must happen before any settlement boundaries are expanded. The old saying “Measure twice, cut once” is sensible advice.
4. Planning authority must remain with regions. They know what is best for their communities.
5. Developers must pre-consult with municipalities on their development plans so that municipalities can make informed decisions in a timely manner.
6. Agricultural and Heritage Systems Maps must be updated so crucial areas are preserved, remediated and expanded, for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Not Abandoned.

End the shorted sighted measures being taken to build and privatize at all costs.
Take the value of our natural resources seriously.
Biodiversity is important to your voters and family’s health and indeed, survival. I learned at a very young age that people need good food, clean water and adequate shelter(not palaces) to survive and grow.
End the for profit privatization of our public sector.

Fight for the people and the environment instead of those making unreasonable profits who are destroying both.