We can understand the urgent…


We can understand the urgent need to build more affordable housing, however, there are reasons why we have official plans, zoning bylaws, etc. These documents are critical in order to protect our communities. If taxpayers are not able to appeal a decision based on decisions made then why have any codes, regulations, bylaws, etc.? Third-party appeals are essential in order to ensure that rules are being followed. I will share a recent situation where a member of the community received a building permit in 1991 to build a "storage garage" in a small neighborhood community diagonal from a lake and in close proximity to an elementary school. Last summer, large transports started entering this small neighborhood with narrow streets which can only accommodate one vehicle at a time. The streets have no sidewalks and children walk to school and walk/jog in our quiet neighborhood for gym class. There is a large hill which creates two blind spots at two intersections. Children ride their bicycles and seniors and community members are always seen walking since the streets connect to a trail which goes around the lake. This property owner was advised by the city to apply to have his property rezoned from "neighborhood residential" to "commercial" so that he could operate a "car garage". There were no cars at this property. The intent was to operate as a garage for large trucks. The property in question has no water or sewage infrastructure. If it was not for the Official Plan and Zoning Bylaws residents would not have been able to have a say or to address their concerns for plans to rezone this property. It would have been a public health and safety issue for those living in this small neighborhood. The property owner decided to withdraw his application on the day it was to be presented to Council. Councillors advised that they did not want residents to go to the Ontario Land Tribunal since it would not look good for the city. These documents also keep municipalities in line. The documents on file from 1991 noted that this property was not to be used as a working garage with trucks and the city did not do anything to stop this from occurring. Why were the residents placed in a situation where they had to speak up to stop this when the city was aware that laws were being broken for a number of years. Third-party appeals for official plans, official plan amendments, zoning by-laws, and zoning by-law amendments are required in order to help protect residents and/or communities from those who are not following the rules which can impact public health and safety and the environment.