I adamantly oppose The…


I adamantly oppose The Ontario Governments passing of Bill 185.
In Ontario's haste to build more homes faster and cut the red tape in order to do so, is short sighted and quite frankly embarrassing and disturbing to witness. With the proposal of Bill 185, I watch the the citizen's of Ontario rights and the democratic process , be eroded, once again by removing the vehicle of a third party appeal process. Bill 185, Schedule 12, seeks to remove the public's ability to appeal the adoption or amendment of Official Plans and Zoning By-Laws to the Tribunal. These are very long-standing appeal rights. This is wrong! The democratic process has been, to this point and should continue to be accessible to all citizens !!!!
Bill 185 in opposition of your Governments commitments and protection policies set down in your own 2020 Environmental protection policies. In restricting and to some degree negating the oversight abilities of our Conservation authorities,
This Government proposes to remove the science based and local knowledge of the CA's to be replaced by the MECP. That's like going to your a General Practitioner of medicine to have your open heart surgery. This analogy is sadly accurate due to the cuts made to many of the Ministry's environmental oversight departments already made by this Government.
This Bill 185 also proposes to ignore the urban boundary parameters set down by many of Ontario's Regions and municipalities (and already approved by this provincial government) in order to get those houses built faster and on lands designated farmlands which feed us or conservation lands, wetlands and woods lands all of witch feed us, allow us to breath clean air, drink clean water and mitigate the affects of extreme weather and the resulting flooding.
Again very short sighted and poorly planned!
Again you can and should do better.
Your Governments credibility is almost non- existent at this point due to the re-defining of any existing definition that would somehow even slightly impede any proposed developments approval, regardless of the possible damage done (either immediate or future) to persons, eco-systems or the biodiversity of species in the areas of proposed development.
There are plenty of opportunities for intensification within the existing urban boundaries for ethical and sustainable development. This of course flies in the face of the plans of the large "land bankers" and multi-millions they hope to reap from our provinces farmlands and green spaces.
Please don't take us down this path....
Sincerely Leslie L
A very concerned and disappointed Niagara Falls Resident!!!