Bill 185 is anti democratic…


Bill 185 is anti democratic and I resent this government's taking our rights away to a long standing right we have had as citizens in Ontario. This government has a history of restricting citizen input into formulating our laws and regulations and sneaking laws through without any public input. THIS government has a one tract agenda/ self serving resulting in pushing through sprawl agenda that does not meet the current and longterm term best interests of ALL citizens. This government is out of touch with 21st century issues and environmental science /climate change and urban planning that addresses sustaining HEALTHY COMMUNITUES and mitigating impacts of changing weather patterns. This government is not meeting the affordable housing CRISIS AND continues to only building houses for higher income taxpayors leaving our families struggling in a very inhumane , inconsiderate, ignoring their needs and RIGHTS TO AFFORDABLE , STABLE, CLEAN AND SAFE NEIGHBOURHOODS CLOSE TO TRANSIT AND AMMENITIES, WORK.
Thus government is failing our most vulnerable residents that is costing hugh in heathcare, mental health, criminal,policing, justice system, schools and is only interested in the wealthier people in our province and providing developers with opportunity to get RICHER. Not a government for ALL THE PEOPLE unjust, unfair and undemocratic.