I am very concerned about…


I am very concerned about the proposal to exempt publicly-funded universities from the Planning Act and planning provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006 for university-led projects.

I cannot see any good reason for this special exemption.
I can see some good reasons for not doing this, e.g. most Ontario university grounds contain archaeological sites and cultural heritage resources. Lakehead University, for example, has eleven KNOWN archaeological sites, and likely more as yet undiscovered. Many universities have hosted archaeological digs on their grounds.
In the interests of cultural heritage and archaeological protection, allowing universities to run rough-shod over the Planning Act is very unwise.

I am puzzled why this is even being proposed. Do universities want to be above the law? Is this a government payback for all the years of tuition reduction that pushed so many [so-called] "publicly funded" universities to the brink of bankruptcy?

Instead of giving them carte blanche to redevelop property in ways others aren't allowed, it would be far better to increase public provincial financial support of these institutions.