The Ontario government, by…


The Ontario government, by wanting to reduce the loop size of snares, is putting more torture on the fur industry beings. We do not need fur. There are plenty of faux fur choices, which look no different. Only those who are vain, wear fur. Innocent animals will get their heads caught in them and be strangled by a horrid death. Coyotes, wolves, and cougars, will most likely lose their limbs, and die a slow agonizing death, as who says anyone will come back for them. They should be living wild, and free anyhow. Everything on this planet has a purpose to keep it aligned, and running smoothly. The more we mess with it, the more destruction is happening. Our animal companions are at a greater risk, also. Stop killing our wildlife. They have every right to be here, as us. They feel love, pain, bonding with family, etc. We are supposed to make things better, not turn back the clock. I would push for a boycott on all farmers pushing for this. Thank you.