Cette consultation a eu lieu :
du 16 septembre 2020
au 16 octobre 2020
Résumé de la décision
The Director of Exploration has made a decision on the Closure Plan for Production – Bradshaw Mine to Gowest Gold Ltd. for the Bradshaw Mine located 42 kilometres north of the City of Timmins, District of Cochrane, North East Region.
The decision is to file the Closure Plan for Production.
Détails de l'emplacement
Détails de l'emplacement du site
The site is located approximately 42 kilometres north of the City of Timmins, District of Cochrane, North East Region.
Lease numbers instructions: “To view individual leases on a map please use the Mining Lands Administration System. Click on “Search by Location” and select “Mining Lease” to search by lease numbers or “Find a township” to search by township.”
Lease numbers: LEA-107280, LEA-107361, LEA-107310, LEA-107311
Carte de l'emplacement du site
L'épingle de localisation correspond à la zone approximative où a lieu l’activité environnementale.
Afficher cet emplacement sur une carte opens link in a new windowPromoteur(s)
Gowest Gold Limited
80 Richmond Street West
Suite 1400
M5H 2A4
Détails de la décision
On October 28, 2020 the ministry filed Closure Plan for Production – Bradshaw Mine for the Bradshaw Mine located 42 kilometres north of the City of Timmins, District of Cochrane, North East Region.
These are the major components of the Closure Plan for Production:
- an extension of the underground drifts in the deposit, resulting in a mining rate of a maximum of 1,500 tonnes per day of ore on average
- a new fresh air/egress raise and associated ancillary infrastructure (access road, building)
- continuation of surface and underground exploration drilling
- new ancillary surface facilities (additional offices, storage facilities, dry facilities as required)
- expanded existing laydown areas located to the southwest, and to the north of the site
- an expansion of the septic system
- additional fuel tanks and propane storage areas
- additional short run on-site poles and powerlines
- improvements to the water management structures, including an additional mine water pond and possible cell 2 of Polishing Pond
Effets de la consultation
No comment was received through the Environmental Registry of Ontario resulting in no impact on the decision to proceed or not with this proposal.
Documents justificatifs
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5520 Highway 101 E Highway
PO Box 3060
South Porcupine Ontario,
P0N 1H0
How to Appeal
Les appels ne sont pas autorisés
Ce type d’acte ne peut être porté en appel. En savoir plus sur notre processus de consultation.
Communiquer avec nous
Susan Thorne
5520 Highway 101 E Highway
PO Box 3060
South Porcupine Ontario,
P0N 1H0
Proposition initiale
Détails de la proposition
Gowest Gold Limited has submitted a Closure Plan for filing by ENDM as required under the Mining Act. This Closure Plan proposes rehabilitation measures to be implemented during closure of Gowest Gold Limited's Bradshaw Mine site.
The Bradshaw Mine involves underground mining of a ramp-accessed gold deposit.
During the Production phase, Gowest will continue using the existing Advanced Exploration infrastructure and construct one raise to provide fresh air and secondary egress. The Production phase will be developed for a total of eight years. It is anticipated that it will take approximately six years to develop the ramp and sub-levels, and an additional two year to extract the remaining reserves.
The following are the major components of this Closure Plan as proposed by Gowest Gold Limited:
- an extension of the underground drifts in the deposit, resulting in a mining rate of a maximum of 1,500 tonnes per day of ore on average
- a new fresh air/egress raise and associated ancillary infrastructure (access road, building)
- continuation of surface and underground exploration drilling
- new ancillary surface facilities (additional offices, storage facilities, dry facilities as required)
- expanded existing laydown areas located to the southwest, and to the north of the site
- an expansion of the septic system
- additional fuel tanks and propane storage areas
- additional short run on-site poles and powerlines
- improvements to the water management structures, including an additional mine water pond and possible cell 2 of Polishing Pond
The remainder of the existing infrastructure currently in use at the Bradshaw Mine will remain unchanged. Some waste rock may also be used for surface road construction onsite or off-site along the access road or as backfill.
Stripped overburden has been stockpiled for use in closure rehabilitation activities.
Documents justificatifs
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Certains documents justificatifs peuvent ne pas être accessibles en ligne. Si tel est le cas, vous pouvez demander à consulter les documents en personne.
Veuillez communiquer avec le bureau mentionné ci-dessous pour savoir si les documents sont accessibles.
5520 Highway 101 E Highway
PO Box 3060
South Porcupine Ontario,
P0N 1H0
La consultation est maintenant terminée.
Cette consultation a eu lieu 16 septembre 2020
au 16 octobre 2020
Communiquer avec nous
Susan Thorne
5520 Highway 101 E Highway
PO Box 3060
South Porcupine Ontario,
P0N 1H0
Commentaires reçus
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