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While it is true that Ontarians have been faced with rising electricity costs over the last decade plus, it is a mistake to aim directly at the Green Energy Act and conclude that it is the key reason for the increases. Lire davantage

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You put the onus on the average citizen to prove to the Ontario government that there is demand for renewable power before they have approval to proceed. How do you expect the average citizen to forecast what the Ontario power needs are? Lire davantage

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To the Ministry of Energy The concern is urgent: UN reports, climate science, and common sense tells us that we must take steps to make the effects of climate change/global warming less severe. Those living today will feel severe impacts of climate change if we do not work in earnest. Lire davantage

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First, a word of appreciation that many of the energy conservation and efficiency components of the Green Energy Act are being maintained in the Electricity Act. This is a good, low-cost way to bring down emissions. Lire davantage