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18 April, 2019 Application Assessment Officer Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks Operations Division Environmental Approvals Access and Service Integration Branch Application Assessment Unit 135 St.

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Application Assessment Officer MECP , Dear Sir/Madam: RE: Application for Site Plan Approval (D07-12-18-0141) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D02-02-18-0088) 2596 Carp Road, City of Ottawa Ministry Reference Number: 8439-B4WKG4 I live in this area and it will directly impact my and my family's quali

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Please do not allow this concrete Batching Plant to proceed. The subject land is zoned for light industrial use and this proposal in most municipalities in Ontario would be listed as Heavy industrial.

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May 6th, 2019 Application Assessment Officer Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks Operations Division Environmental Approvals Access and Service Integration Branch Application Assessment Unit 135 St. Lire davantage

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I am a resident of Newill Place who lives approximately 300 meters from the proposed Concrete Batching Plant by Cavanagh Developments. Lire davantage

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I sent a comment & objection fax to the Application Assessment Officer this morning but no acknowledgement came back. The description of this proposal creates an apprehension of bias on the Ministry's part. Lire davantage