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I was semi-prepared for a short-sighted, self-serving response of our current provincial government to the processes surrounding species' protections in Ontario - after all, who would expect much from an absolute disaster of a premier with no post-secondary education, no empathy, and no ability to Lire davantage

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Hello, This is not a good idea. There will be too many instances of cash being paid instead of the environment being protected. I don’t understand what the money could be used toward if the habitat etc is already destroyed in order to get the money.

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Although I believe that no amount of public input will alter the current government's intent to pass these proposed changes, I would like to note the following: Lire davantage

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This appears to mean that species will only be protected if the Minister (who does not require a scientific background) agrees with the designation and it does not interfere with social or economic plans. Essentially meaning that there is only loose protection when convenient. Lire davantage

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What is being proposed is absolutely disgusting. The Endangered Species Act needs to protect the biodiversity of Ontario rather than reduce the restrictions on development and exploitation of nature. As proposed, this will cause great harm to Ontario now and for many generations. Lire davantage

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Please be advised that I am against changes that create leniency regarding this act. We are losing species daily, please, do not change the act. If anything, make it stricter, make it harder to use vital wetland and diverse habitats to build. Lire davantage

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Pleas do NOT reverse the Endangered Species Act. This will give developers a pass to avoid protecting endangered species, putting their lives at even greater risk. Lire davantage

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I strongly object to the Proposed Changes to Ontario's Endangered Species Act. Do not do this! It is not in the best interest any endangered species. Claims that it will cause no harm are misguided.

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These changes to the Endangered Species Act are dangerous and despicable. Stop lying to the people of Ontario and the rest of Canada and pretend this will help the environment. You're selling endangered habitats and animals to developers for money. Lire davantage

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This proposal is non-sensical and a shameful abandonment of the government's responsibility to protect species at risk. Lire davantage

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At a time when enviromental pressures are at their highest, we need to be developing better strategies to take on climate change and ensure environment protections. Allowing entities to opt out of regulatory compliance is short sighted to the point of being wholly damaging. Lire davantage

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Just, no. The future of the planet and the future of the generations to come are not for sale. Lire davantage

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Change nothing. Keep it the way it was. If you want to change things make it a thousand times easier for any even remotely threatened species to be protected. protect every life and every ecosystem you can all of the time. Lire davantage

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I am concerned the proposed changes to the Endangered Species Act will effectively remove all safety nets for species at risk in this province. Lire davantage

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If developers are allowed to pay instead of actually ensuring that they don't harm endangered species then the cost of the development will go up and more endangered wildlife will needlessly die. I am 100% AGAINST this change. Lire davantage

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I highly object to the notion that companies would be able to purchase exemptions, allowing them to harm endangered species for a high enough fee.

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The proposed changes to the species at risk act are clearly motivated to help developers circumvent the already very lax respecting on vulnerable species and habitats. Every amendment is transparently leading to less protection of threatened species. Absolutely shameful.