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As a professional who has worked for MECP, MNRF and now as an Environmental Consultant supporting the development, maintenance and upgrades of waterpower facilities; it is obvious that an operational site is not taking water from a natural source for use other than diverting the watercourse for the Lire davantage

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I am writing to you today as a concerned citizen regarding the recent posting on the Environmental Registry of Ontario. ERO Number 019-0545. Waterpower Exemption from Permits to Take Water. Lire davantage

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Grand River Conservation Authority

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The Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) supports the proposed exemption of waterpower facilities from attaining Permits to Take Water (PTTW) under the Ontario Water Resources Act (OWRA) and moving to a “one window’ approach through provisions of the Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act (LRIA). Lire davantage

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Commentaire fait au nom

Conservation Ontario

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Please see the attached document for Conservation Ontario's comments on the “Waterpower Exemption from Permits To Take Water” (ERO#019-0545) as well as the “Amendments to Three Statutes administered by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to support the proposed Better for People, Smarter Lire davantage