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It is about time the M of E started to protect our natural resources rather than trying to get rid of them. We have the fall bear hunt which is OK, however in the spring and baiting hungry sleepy bears for the first 6 weeks of spring is ridicules. Lire davantage

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I urge Ontario legislators to cancel the Spring Bear Hunt completely, and to not expand the pilot project instituted by previous Liberal governments. Please, do not follow the misguided plan laid out by previous governments led by another party. Lire davantage

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My husband and I are strongly against reinstating the spring Black Bear hunt. We follow environmental action alerts through our local nature club and Ontario Nature. We agree with their concerns regarding this matter. Lire davantage

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Please do not permit this bear hunt, it is inhumane and barbaric. These beings have a right to be left alone and not be killed for entertainment. Killing for fun is not something we should encourage in a civil society by making it legal to do so. Thank you, Joris K.

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Please do not allow this cruel practise to resume. Killing animals for fun is not something the government should condone. Killing adult bears leaves orphaned cubs that often die needlessly and with great suffering as they starve. Anyone with a conscience would admit this is wrong. Lire davantage

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The proposal to reinstate a spring bear hunt on the Bruce (Saugeen) Peninsula is ill-conceived and runs counter to several of the Ministry's own guidelines. Lire davantage

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We come home to hunt with our families. I don't believe anymore hunters would go to outfitters. We would stay home. Maybe relatives and nonresidents could hunt only on their own land.

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Of the elements in the proposal, I agree with the updates to black bear regulations to improve fairness. While I appreciate the economic considerations behind the spring bear hunt itself, I am against it and here is why: Lire davantage

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We live in Thunder Bay along the Kaministiquia River. Bears travel the River Banks in all seasons. They do not "threaten" us and we welcome their foraging passage through their ancestral lands. Even our huge Malamute, NOT on a leash, watches them shuffle by in silence. Lire davantage

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We live in Thunder Bay along the Kaministiquia River. Bears travel the River Banks in all seasons. They do not "threaten" us and we welcome their foraging passage through their ancestral lands. Even our huge Malamute, NOT on a leash, watches them shuffle by in silence. Lire davantage

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I believe it is not wise to bring back the regular black bear hunt. The main reason is that the cubs are too young in the spring to travel with their mother when she is foraging for food which means the hunters are killing black bear mothers. Lire davantage

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Please consder the below in regards to the spring bear hunt: Hunters often claim they can tell if a female bear is nursing her young. But, five 'Fish and Wildlife' staff in the U.S. seem to disagree. In a discussion paper, they wrote: Lire davantage

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Please leave the bears alone. There may be orphaned bear cubs. Spring time is when they come out. Who will look after the cubs then! It's 2020, trophy hunting is a barbaric event.