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This proposal is deplorable. Hunting animals while in hibernation protecting their infants is absolutely criminal. That this is up for debate is a sad commentary on our times. DO NOT PUT THIS INTO EFFECT.

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frontenac- addington trappers council

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As trappers we understand the need to balance habitat, predator/ prey, and substainability. a permanate spring hunt fits all these. At present we have 60 members of the same mind

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While I support the return of the spring bear hunt, the general focus of this proposal, I do believe that MNRF has little clue as to the health of bear populations in Central and NE Ontario. Lire davantage

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As a land owner on the Bruce Peninsula I have seen a decrease in the bear population. I also feel there were too many when we first bought our place. They still show up constantly on my trail cameras so I’m not sure the population is low. I do hunt but have not harvested any on my property. Lire davantage

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Please do not permit the spring bear hunt. In the spring hunt, slow-moving mother bears who have just emerged from hibernation are easily targeted often leaving orphan cubs as collateral damage. Lire davantage

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Bears are keystone species that is the indicator of a healthy eco system. It is also an umbrella species that provide habitat improvements to other wildlife. It is a myth that hunting can sustain a healthy population. Bears already self regulate its population and its reproductive rate is low. Lire davantage

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Bears and all animals are sentient beings. They are intelligent and feel pain and fear just as we do. We (humans) use every justification for killing animals. There are too many of them, they are dangerous and/or a nuisance ... those are all descriptions that are accurate for the human race. Lire davantage

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I’m from a small town in Northern Ontario where everyone loves hunting and fishing but I do still believe the spring bear hunt is a horrible idea considering many cubs are going to be left orphaned and vulnerable and that can extremely impact the population of the black bear. Lire davantage

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Can we please pause for a moment and ask why the humans of this world are so intent on wiping out our wildlife? Bear hunting at anytime is barbaric but in the spring when they are awakening from hibernation, and having cubs it is akin to shooting fish in a barrel. Please leave them alone.

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No, leave the bears alone and focus on tourism elsewhere. Hunting for sport is a complete and total affront to nature and our government should not condone it. Don’t bring back the bear hunt permanently.

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Definitely NO, big No for this. No hunting. Innocent animals cannot be killed by any means. This is so unethical for 2020, and it is just unrealistic horrifying idea that. I stand for FULL STOP. NO HUNTING, period.

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In the 2019 hunting season I regret not getting a beer tag for spring or fall. I saw two different Sows; one with two cubs and another one with just one cub, and I saw a big Bore 400-450lbs.) on my property in Lions Head, Ontario. Please DO NOT shorten the Bear season!

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Please do not allow spring bear hunting to happen again. Mother bears are needed for their cubs in the spring! Why? Why? Why would anyone need a bear in the spring? Senseless hunting!

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I am absolutely against a spring bear hunt. We should be reducing the slaughtering of innocent animals where and when baby cubs are born. Hunters do not know what they are shooting. Our spring visits to northern Ontario are often disturbed by noisy gunshots. Leave it in the fall. Lire davantage

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Absolutely wrong. Inhumane. Why are you regressing? Leave the bears alone. Leave all wildlife alone. Hunting is wrong on so many levels. It’s infuriating. STOP hunting.

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As an Ontario resident, I am absolutely shocked and appalled that the Ontario government wants to reopen the spring bear hunt. This violence toward nature and other species has to stop! Lire davantage