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I'd prefer for this hunt to not occur at all. But if it must, it would be better for it to be shorter. As well, females and cubs must be given special protection. As well, dogs must not be permitted to aid in the hunt. Lire davantage

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Hunting...the entitled humans so-called animal population control! How is it that hunting hibernating bears and new mothers with cubs is humane??? What is wrong with you people and governing bodies for even considering the continuation of such a practice! Lire davantage

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What a horrible way to orphaned cub that has yet to learn how to fend for itself. Why in 2020 do we still let the small hunting population control so much of our policy decisions?

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To whom it may concern, I want to see the Spring Bear Hunt cancelled altogether. It has been extended long enough! Evidence of the worth of the hunt must be made public. I would like to see the season changed to June 1-June 30 Lire davantage

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Its time we learned all living beings have a right to live out their life the same as a human, we are not superior to other living beings,nor do we have the right to snuff out their life on a casual whim,that is arrogance on a scale unimaginable to any sane person.

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Females with cubs must be protected; currently that is difficult as cubs are frequently treed or kept away by their mother while she forages. Baiting shouldn't be allowed. Cancel all hunting in Ontario there is no reason for it

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There is no need for a spring hunt, and there already is one in the fall. I am a registered hunter and it is clearly obvious to me, and many others, that hunting bears in the spring when cubs are born is unacceptable. Lire davantage

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As a Canadian living in the 21st century, I am sickened and embarrassed by this cold-blooded return to a brutal past, where animals are abused and used at will. Most egregious yet is the veneer of “science” and “scientific study” that has been plastered on this unholy event. Lire davantage

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I am so against the hunting of black bears in Ontario in the Spring. The momma bears shot will mean certain death for their baby bears who may be only a few KG in weight and are stashed up high in a tree a few miles away from where she is foraging for food. Lire davantage

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The spring bear hunts should be cancelled. All bears should not be subjected to being hunted. It is a past practice that society should no longer support. It is an unnecessary practice in our day and age. Lire davantage

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WHY is it that all we here is how animals should be killed ? I am disgusted and deeply disturbed about this proposal •Females with cubs must be protected; currently that is difficult as cubs are frequently treed or kept away by their mother while she forages. Lire davantage

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Climate change has caused and is currently causing devastating destruction to our environment and the animals that inhabit it. We are losing species at an alarming rate, and some that were considered vulnerable, are now classified as endangered. Lire davantage

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I do not agree with a spring hunt! How are the hunters able to tell the sex of a bear before it is shot? Just because there are no cubs seen, does not necessarily mean this is a male bear. The fall bear hunt should be more than sufficient. Lire davantage

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I support this proposal. The proposal allows the professionals at the ministry to monitor black bear numbers through hunter reporting while also providing a tool for population management and control. This is a science and evidence-based policy that supports resource management. Lire davantage

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I appreciate the Government's efforts to protect the Bruce Peninsula bears. As a genetically individual species, and a 'trapped' group due to geography, it is all the more important to ensure the species' longevity. Lire davantage

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I strongly believe that the time has come to completely abolish the Spring and Fall bear hunts in Ontario. If the hunt is to continue in some form then it is imperative that truly effective protection of female bears with cubs, in both Spring and Fall hunts, be implemented immediately. Lire davantage

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We do not support an Ontario Spring bear hunt. It is inhumane and unnecessary. It is violence, bullying and just not needed in the year 2020. Wildlife takes enough pressure without adding this. Lire davantage

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• Females with cubs must be protected. • Current season should be changed to June 1 - 30 to protect females and cubs. • Evidence as to accomplishments and milestones of the pilot project and extended pilot project need to be released to the public. • Baiting should not take place. Lire davantage