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I urge Ontario legislators to cancel the Spring Bear Hunt completely, and to not expand the pilot project instituted by previous Liberal governments. Please, do not follow the misguided plan laid out by previous governments led by another party. Lire davantage

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Proposal summary We are proposing to implement a regular spring black bear season, shorten the Bruce Peninsula black bear hunting season, and make other minor updates to black bear regulations. Lire davantage

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Please do not reinstate the spring bear hunt. There are no arguments to support it and may against it. We are a Girl Guide unit and try to get our girls outside and active. Lire davantage

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I oppose the spring bear hunt. I am concerned about mother’s with young cubs and the inability of hunters to be able to differentiate between males and females from a shooting distance. Lire davantage

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Hello, I am writing to express my opposition to the proposed black bear hunt. This cruel practice should not be enacted. Many female bears are killed including nursing mothers leaving the orphaned cubs to starve. Fines are not enforceable. Lire davantage

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Our wildlife needs to be protected and preserved for us and future generations. Premier Mike Harris didn’t let the hunt lobbyists pressure or intimidate him. Lire davantage

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The risk of killing a mother bear and orphaning her cubs far outweighs a hunter’s rights to killing the animal for sport. Please no not name this hunting season permanent

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Please do not reinstate the spring hunt! The hunters can not distinguish between male and female bears from a distance and you risk killing mother bears and leaving their cubs to die a slow painful sad death. We are more civilized than that. Please show compassion. All life is worth something. Lire davantage

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PLEASE do not allow this cruel hunt to take place!! Many hunters cannot tell the difference between female and male bears and baby bears are often left orphaned and starve to death. Lire davantage

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I am deeply opposed to the reinstating of the spring bear hunt. It results in cruel separation of mother bears from cubs. There is no need to have bear hunting in spring and fall. Numbers of bears are not sufficient to warrant it. Lire davantage

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We have enjoyed the rare sighting of a black bear on Bruce Peninsula. We have never had an issue, and would like to see the bear population protected. We are in their habitat and need to have respect for their needs too. We are strongly against a bear hunt in any season, especially spring.

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I guess it's good that you are proposing to reduce the spring bear hunt period in the Bruce Peninsula area. Except that I don't approve of a spring bear hunt of any length in any area of Ontario. Lire davantage

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Please do not allow a spring bear hunt. It is cruel to cubs and serves no beneficial purpose. Hunting pressure is destroying wildlife viewing opportunities in my area (Pointe au Baril), and needs to stop. Lire davantage

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I oppose this proposal due to the fact that it's difficult to distinguish male black bears from female black bears. As a result, hunters could easily inadvertently kill a mother bear, leaving her cubs to face almost certain death.

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I urge the Ontario government to cancel the province's Spring Bear Hunt completely There was no legitimate rationale for partial reinstatement of the spring bear hunt by the previous government and there is none now. Please, do not follow through with this misguided plan. Lire davantage