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there is no good reason to have a spring bear hunt. ive asked in the past for research papers to validate the governments decision and have yet to receive them. this is a bogus plan to accommodate irresponsible hunters and acquire revenue. period! Lire davantage

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It is a cheap shot tourist activity, baiting a bear isn't making any sense while private owners pick up thousands for that bear hunt. also--american cars cruising for bear on local country roads had amost stopped.DO NOT bring back that bear hunt,

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Please do not pass any law that allows hunters to shot black bears. It is not necessary, these are generally peaceful animals. We should not be shooting animals for sport. Full stop!

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As has no doubt been mentioned by other wildlife advocates, promoting a spring hunt of a species with restrictions that hinge on hunters being educated enough to discern a female from a male and taking the time to evaluate such differences from a distance while crouched in a blind, on the thrill of Lire davantage

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Please protect young bears and our natural habitats. Please prevent hunters from being able to shoot bears during the spring season. There is too much risk in allowing this to happen and pits so much strain on wildlife rehabilitaters who have to raise the ophaned Cubs. Lire davantage

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If there is already a fall hunt I do not see a spring hunt as necessary. Especially on the Bruce Penninsula, where you state the bear population is at risk. Why open up the hunt there at all?! Lire davantage

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The spring bear hunt is cruel and unnecessary. There is no possible enforcement of the ban on killing females with cubs, and orphaned baby bear cubs bring shame to Ontario in the international community. Stop it!

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Here is proof, Conservatives have no soul. How can anyone in their right mind make such a proposal. With these types of proposals, it will not be difficult to make Conservative politicians more endangered then black bears. Lire davantage

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Bear hunting should continue throughout the Province of Ontario. As well, predator management should be taken more seriously. Coyotes are killing pets throughout the Province and nothing is being done whatsoever. Should the elderly and disabled not be allowed to have pets anymore?

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The spring bear hunt is deplorable because hunters kill lactating female bears leaving their offspring to die of starvation. This is cruel and unethical and hunting bears that just come out of hibernation should be made illegal. Lire davantage

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Hunters often struggle to pinpoint the difference between a male and female black bear, and risk killing a mother bear during the spring season – orphaning her cubs who are too young to survive on their own. Lire davantage

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I do not think there has been enough evidence presented to determine this hunt is not causing harm to female black bears and their cubs. It is cruel and unnecessary, hunters have a poor time telling males from females. I do not support the spring bear hunt continuing.

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Stop the bear hunt! You are not respecting the delicate balance of the ecosystem. Apex predators are needed. Encourage eco tourism, not death tourism. N. Stronach, PhD

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I am opposed to the Ontario Spring Bear Hunt. It is unnecessary to kill Mother Bears right after they have had their young then leave the cubs orphaned, alone, and defenseless. Leaving them to a slow death by starvation. This is an unnecessary and cruel hunt.

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Yes bring back the spring bear hunt is enough for me and my family to not vote for the PC party next election. Jim Wilson is my member now but I will stay PC if Doug stop this cruelty.

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I am writing in to comment on the proposal the Doug Ford Government has brought forward on the Spring Bear Hunt. I am very strongly against this spring bear hunt. I am all for there being an outright ban on this matter once and for all. Lire davantage

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How will you ensure that hunters get proper training to be able to distinguish between a male and female bear? If a female bear is unaccompanied, and is mistaken for a male bear and killed — there is a great chance that the cubs will not survive. Lire davantage