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Due to personal/individual health concerns, and including environmental concercerns, addition health concerns, and disruption to family life, schools, churches, recreation facilities, and nit forgetting additional, traffic, noise and general pollution concerns:- this proposed project should NOT BE A Lire davantage

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Dear Sir/Madam, I have concerns with the proposal for the waste disposal site for the processing and transfer facility at the bottom of Beechgrove Drive near Coronation Drive. I am, a resident who lives on Manse Road and has lived here since I was two years old. Lire davantage

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Dear Sir/Madam, I have concerns with the proposal for the waste disposal site for the processing and transfer facility at the bottom of Beechgrove Drive near Coronation Drive. I am a resident who lives on Manse Road and has lived here since I was two years old. Lire davantage

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Please do not put a waste disposal site in a residential area near parks, and schools. I do not feel this is the best location you could find for a facility like this. I strongly encourage you to please find a more appropriate location.

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Please do not put this waste processing site anywhere near our neighbourhood. There are serious health risks to residents in the community through exposure. Lire davantage

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I'm against any of the air, noise and transport of materials for this project. Its ridiculous to consider a project of this magnitude to be a placed in a residential area. What is wrong with people and organizations to think that a project like this is ok. Lire davantage

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As a resident of the surrounding area I am deeply concerned with the proposal to expand the waste treatment at the proposed site. This site borders both a residential community with schools, homes and community centers. Lire davantage

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For Notice 019-1446 Please reconsider this Waste Disposal Site proposal. We as the residents of the area will be seriously impacted by this operation. Lire davantage

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I am writing you today as a very concerned home owner regarding the proposed Waste and Processing Plant to be located at 633 Coronation Dr. Scarborough. Lire davantage

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This should not be so close to a residential area or between a creek and Lake Ontario. Also, there are already enough potential environmental hazards in this area. Adding another is not fair to it's residents for their health as well as property values.

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I am very concerned about this proposal as a long time resident of this area. The location of this proposed facility will necessitate a large volume of trucks going to this facility. Has anyone at the Ministry ever done a traffic study? Lire davantage

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The proposed location for this facility is 400 Meters from my house and 500 meters from my son's and grand children's house. We've done our part by coexisting with the sewage treatment plant and the numerous chemical plants. Enough already! Find a more appropriate place for this facility.

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I am a long-time resident of the area and I do not understand why such processing plants are being approved close to residential areas. This is not a clean industry and regardless of anyone's assurances the impact on the local environment will be negative. Lire davantage

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As a residential person in this area I am totally against the proposal if this waste site on Coronation Drive The truck traffic thru residential area would be rediculous Manse Rd Resident