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It’s time to open our eyes and look at the state in which the world is in. Climate change, habitat destruction and extinctions are here. This is not a step in the right direction. This is a step backwards that will make things worse, and we all know it. Lire davantage

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Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Canada

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January 14, 2021 Amy Smart Far North Branch - Thunder Bay 421 James Street South, 1st Floor Thunder Bay, ON, P7E 2V6 Canada Re: Proposed amendments to the Far North Act, 2010 (ERO No. 019-2684) Dear Ms. Smart, Lire davantage

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Windigo First Nations Council

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January 14, 2021 Minister Greg Rickford Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines Whitney Block, Room 5630 5th Floor, 99 Welllesley St. W Toronto, Ontario M7A 1W1 Minister Rickford, Lire davantage