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It's wrong and harmful to continue to develop extractive technology and call it green. Wood pellets, coal, etc... We need industry to vastly reduce consumption and GHG and we need renewables that are not extractive. Ontario's greenhouse gases do not stay in Ontario!! It affects us all.

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please no wood pellets for energy let’s move on to non carbon pollution sources we can do it it is easily within reach thanks a poulakakis concerned ontarian

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Protecting the environment and our heritage, old-growth forests is our priority. It's what people want, not "dirty" energy. Please honour our wishes and the environment. People and the earth over money.

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Amidst an ever-growing climate crisis, we can’t afford to keep chopping down forests to make a fuel that emits immense amounts of carbon dioxide. Moreover, it can take centuries for forests to regain the majority of their carbon storage after being logged. Wood pellets are a false climate solution.

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One of the main products of Ontario’s forest biomass industry is wood pellets. Wood pellets are marketed as a clean energy alternative, but we know that wood pellets are dirtier than coal at the smokestack. Lire davantage

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Burning trees by way of wood pellets is NOT An option anywhere in Canada. This fuel is not helping the Climate solution we are seeking. In Vancouver, BC all fires, including wood burning fireplaces are banned in order to keep our air clean. Lire davantage

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Hey Ontario Government Please, please, this evening after reading these comments kick back with a beverage and locate and watch “The Nature of Things - what trees talk about”. PLEASE. Because David Suzuki says it so much better than I can. PLEASE WATCH THE SCIENCE! Lire davantage

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Please stop the green washing! We are tired of the liberal government intentionally deceiving the public about issues like wood pellet burning. Burning wood pellets is dirtier than burning coal and informed voters know it! We don’t have time for these games. Lire davantage

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Moving to using forests for regular housing and cooking fuel is like moving back to the dark ages! Please stop this ridiculous method. Companies who create wood pellets as a business should not be able to profit from cutting down our forests.

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We have the same issue in Nova Scotia, and it, too, is a useless waste of forests, especially since there are so many other, far more cost effective means to generate energy.

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All I can think of is the destruction of the forests, and still wood pellets emit CO2. Please can we think of something that is not so harmful? Sure, we need electricity, but do we need so much? Let's be more energy efficient.

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Please. Thing of all the individuals on this planet, one by one. To give us all, and our children and grandkids any future at all, we need to take action right away.

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Once again our Ontario Government is making bad decisions. We cannot afford false climate solutions that are marching us into planetary catastrophe while trampling Indigenous Sovereignty and crucial biodiversity. Lire davantage

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If the Ontario government believes that producing wood pellets to burn for fuel has a future as employment for fossil fuel workers it is mistaken. In some countries burning wood pellets is not allowed because it is so polluting. The market for wood pellets will shrink, not grow. Lire davantage