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Commentaire fait au nom

Underwood Group Inc.

Statut du commentaire

On behalf of the Landlord of 300 Henry Street, Brantford, namely Underwood Group Inc. they would like to be kept informed on the progress of this proposal from the Tenant, Evolve Recycling Inc. prior to any final decisions to allow an increase their capacities of production and storage Thank you Lire davantage

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Commentaire fait au nom

Underwood Group Inc.

Statut du commentaire

The Landlord of the property at 300 Henry Street, Brantford namely, Underwood Group Inc. objects to the proposal as submitted by their Tenant on the basis that no communication whatsoever has been attempted by Evolve Recycling Inc. Lire davantage

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Commentaire fait au nom


Statut du commentaire

I have concerns about the application for an amendment to the Evolve Recycling (“Evolve”) Environmental Compliance Approval (No. 3642-7XXQ9Q). The location of the facility is 321 Henry Street, Brantford. My concerns about the amendment application are as follows: 1. Storage Areas Lire davantage