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Ontario put in a breed ban saying it was about public safety regarding dogs and now wants to encourage dogs to be trained for and kill small to mid size animals? Lire davantage

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How is it illegal to catch a fish that is a certain size or is in breeding season, but to catch wild animals and use them as hunting practice okay? This terrible, and I’m disappointed in Ontario that this is something even being discussed. Lire davantage

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I am against this proposal to allow captive wildlife to be used to train hunting dogs. I have never heard of this before and it needs to stop not be issuing new licences and allowing transfers of existing licences. Lire davantage

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This is absolutely disgusting! This proposal needs to be cancelled immediately. For decades, we have moved to tighten animal cruelty laws and this government wants to make inhuman treatment of wild animals a priority in the year 2023. Lire davantage

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This is a horrible idea and very inhumane. I'm 100% in disagreement with this.

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If these were supposed to be phased out over time why are you allowing more to now be licensed? Why are you now changing your mind? Lire davantage

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This is incredibly cruel. How is this even called hunting? Its cheating, regardless if its being presented as a way to train dogs. Has any dog or hunter really suffered without being able to do this "training" for the last few decades? No.

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I am firmly against the practice of containing wildlife for the training of hunting dogs and as a citizen living in Ontario, am adding my voice in hopes that this regulation be outlawed. Thank you for your consideration.

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The proposed changes fail to adequately describe the demand for the changes or the environmental impact. If, in 1997, the policy was to eventually phase these training facilities out, why has the policy suddenly changed to increase them. What is the policy rationale? Lire davantage

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This is inhumane and needs to end. There is no reason to keep wild animals as bait.

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What kind of world is this in 2023, where we are still even considering such behaviour and action to even be put to a vote for people who are entrusted to make our establishments a better place. This is an disgusting idea to even waste taxpayers time pondering at any level of government. Lire davantage

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The use of penned wildlife is barbaric and inhumane. These animals are captured and traumatized over and over. Haven't we evolved enough by now to come up with a better way?

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Dear Reader, Please please please do not let this form of animal cruelty against innocent wildlife continue. It’s inhumane, unethical and unacceptable. And most of all unnecessary. Sincerely, Joanne

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I just learned of the proposal to allow issuing of licenses for new dog train and trial areas. I understand that this was something that was set to be phased out as far back as 1997. Lire davantage

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I am horrified that this is even in the table. It's humane and disagraceful. We need to respect and treasure our wildlife. NO to this practice!

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Please don’t proceed with this amendment. All train and trial locations should be closed, this is an archaic and barbaric way to hunt. There is no need for hunting dogs in this day and age, the process to train them is very cruel to the animals they are trained to hunt. Lire davantage

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This is simply egregious. I cannot believe that after all we have discovered over the last two decades, that we would still be supporting these sadistic blood sports. Lire davantage