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This makes me sick to my stomach that our government could propose such an idea that would allow animal cruelty to our wildlife in the highway degree to train dogs. Lire davantage

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Yet another reason to be ashamed of this province. We MUST allow these sick practices to phase out. There is no need to torture wild animals for the entertainment of humans because that’s really what this all boils down to. Lire davantage

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This is inhumane: trapping and forcing wild animals into a hunt is barbaric. Full stop. This permitting freeze had lapsed over 25 years ago and there is no need to revisit it. Is the department so beholden to the hunting lobby that it would dig this up, seemingly out of nowhere? Lire davantage

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This is extremely cruel and unnecessary. These animals suffer enough because of humans and we already do enough damage to them by taking away their homes and food sources. Let’s do better and keep animal cruelty out of our province please.

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This is awful and inhumane. These poor animals suffering for no reason. There is a reason these type of ‘activities’ should be put to an end. Stop violence. Imagine your pet in their being hunted.

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This is inhumane treatment towards wildlife. Horrifying to even think of the people who proposed this in the first place. Disgusting. Lire davantage

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I had no idea this archaic practice still existed here and I do not support it continuing. If you are phasing it out since 1997 it's not happening fast enough and now that it is being considered to be extended is taking even more steps back. Please end this cruel practice. Lire davantage

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What type of society do we live in, no respect for animals and no respect for life. Hunting dogs can be trained without the use of live animals, this is the such backward thinking and very barbaric. Whoever thought this was a good idea needs to be put in a trap as bait! Lire davantage

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I am opposed to this proposed amendment to allow more licenses for dog train and trial areas and to allow transfers of these licences. These are my reasons: Lire davantage

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This proposal should not go through as it will cause unnecessary stress to the wildlife involved. It is inhumane to capture and confine wildlife for the sole purpose of being hunted, even more so when it is to occur frequently. Lire davantage

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This is an absolutely horrific way to treat any animal wild or domestic. Instead of sending a message of learning to live peacefully with wildlife you are teaching our children that trapping, relocating and subjecting an animal to trauma, abuse and unspeakable terror is ok.

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The use of wildlife for the process of training hunting dogs is both inhumane and barbaric. This practice should be stopped immediately, it belongs in medieval times. Lire davantage

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This is cruel to wildlife. Why do we need to hunt with dogs and terrify wildlife?

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Do not do this. It is inhumane and barbaric. Dogs shouldn’t be used for hunting and wild animals shouldn’t be stolen from their families and terrorized before being brutally ripped apart. There is no NEED for this in our society today; other than a cruel desire to torture and murder animals. Lire davantage

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This is animal cruelty in the name of recreation. As a citizen/resident of Ontario I am very opposed to this.

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This is unacceptable, inhumane and an embarrassment to our province. We need to do better for our wildlife.

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As a tax payer and a dog owner I am horrified by the proposal to allow pet dogs to hunt and maim penned wildlife for sport and leisure. It is cruelty, and permitting and extending these areas panders to a very small minority. Lire davantage

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I strongly oppose this proposal. As a taxpayer and resident if Ontario I would like this proposal denied.