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I think this is the cruelest thing the government has done to date. Stop this before it's too late. Wildlife needs to be protected, not destroyed.

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This is an inhumane practice that should not be allowed. I am vehemently opposed to this.

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This inhumane act was to be phased out since 1997, why are we turning back the clock on the mistreatment of our wildlife? Mahatma Gandhi said it best, “ The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. Lire davantage

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I am disgusted this! There are enough dogs that hurt and harm animals and humans, without the government getting involved. Having animals taken from their homes, trapped and cruelly killed, is sickening. Lire davantage

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I cannot believe what I have been reading . How in any way at all can this barbaric, vile, inhumane treatment of animals be allowed to continue. In what universe is this okay? Lire davantage

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This is an archaic practice. It's absurd that we'd set ourselves backwards in time but why am I not surprised that Doug Ford will implement such legislation. Lire davantage

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I absolutely am NOT in favour of allowing dogs to cruelly attack and kill other animals. This is animal abuse and cruelty. One day I truly hope we have a compassionate society. The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated ~Gandhi

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This feels like a step in the wrong direction if we want to preserve and do good for Ontario’s ecosystem and environment. Hunting is a concern in and of itself, but now training dogs for hunting activities at the expense of captive animals is so unnecessary. Lire davantage

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This is not necessary by any means. This law is a straight up money grab for licenses to profit the Government. Money greed should not trump LIVES. This is so sick that there are people out there actually okay with a small animal getting barbarically LITERALLY torn apart while alive. Lire davantage

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Re: 019-3685 I am appalled and very against the use of live wild animals to train hunt dogs.

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This is absolutely disgusting. It is illegal to keep or feed wildlife. How is it legal to trap wildlife to be tortured and ripped apart. How is this even up for debate?

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Please, please don't do this! Penned hunting is absolutely barbaric and shouldn't exist in 2023 (or in a civilized society that cares for animal welfare). To capture and confine wild animals and keep them in a consistent state of fear for dogs to chase and hunt, is beyond awful. Lire davantage

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The lack of concern and care for wild animals is disgusting and incredibly disappointing. It’s also very alarming. We do not have the right to treat other sentient beings in this manner. They are not there for us to use and abuse. Shameful.

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This makes me sick to my stomach to even think this is possible. Yes there is circle of life but I do NOT believe in messing with it by sentencing small animals to their death and trapping them in a pen where they are doomed to death. Lire davantage

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The proposal to enclose areas on private land for the purpose of training dogs in blood sport skills, such as picking up scent trails, tracking, and pursuing game, is nothing short of barbaric. Lire davantage

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This proposed bill is disgusting as a resident of this province I am ashamed that this is even a proposed way to treat our wild life. Those running Ontario have made many many mistakes in the last 5 years but this is one of the most upsetting.

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i had to read this several times. i could not believe what is allowed. No amount of constraints can make this humain. I am completely disgusted by the people who do this and those who are trying to do ethical gymnastics to make this "okay". Lire davantage

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I find the proposal, and option for forced confinement of live animals to be barbaric, cruel, and out of touch with society. Whether for training or any other reason, forced confinement of a live , wild animal, is cruel and unusual punishment. Lire davantage