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Commentaire fait au nom

The Regional Municipality of Peel

Statut du commentaire

The attached letter summarizes comments and opportunities associated to the proposed ERO 019-4189. Lire davantage

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Commentaire fait au nom

The Oxford Coalition for Social Justice

Statut du commentaire

Good evening, Please find attached the commentary by the Oxford Coalition for Social Justice. It is provided in good faith to assist in the development of better legislation, policy and practices. Lire davantage

Identifiant (ID) du commentaire


Commentaire fait au nom

Ontario Home Builders' Association

Statut du commentaire

Please find attached OHBA's response to ERO 019-4189. Lire davantage

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Commentaire fait au nom

Ontario Federation of Agriculture

Statut du commentaire

On behalf of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, please find attached our submission with respect to ERO # 019-4189. Thank you. Lire davantage

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Commentaire fait au nom

Gravel Watch Ontario

Statut du commentaire

Gravel Watch Ontario (GWO) Concerns: • lack of definition regarding what constitutes ‘minor’ amendments • Ontario government’s EA processes are ineffective to address: o the current global context regarding climate change Lire davantage