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Having worked for the government for 30 years this proposal has all the wording and earmarks of final decision having been made. And doubtful that anything will change what is about to happen. Lire davantage

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I do not support these changes for Ontario residents, this is an attack on working class people that simply want to enjoy a walleye feed for dinner, with a daily limit of 2 that is no longer possible.

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In my humble opinion you need to monitor / place restrictions on First Nations fisherman / women as well. I think their fishing rights are mostly responsible for the depletion of walleye supply. Lire davantage

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I’d like to see sanctuarys at tranquill channel like there is in Ignace area. They saved Indian lake. And stricter slot sizes. We all know the Métis cards are going to be coming out and the fish are going to be kept anyways. Thanks

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We should still be able to take photos of the fish. This is ruining the womens tournament. We do not harm any fish. Please allow photos to be taken of the fish.

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This is a very disappointing policy I fishing in a women’s fishing tournament It is a catch and release … we just take picture of the fish we caught and send it in How does taking a picture hurt? Lire davantage

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This is going to impact our economy more then we realize, as well frustrate locals who fish lake of the wood and or own property. It is going to make lake of the woods a less popular destination for locals and tourists alike. Lire davantage

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Start with taking sport to 3 fish. I think the sizing changes are good. I would say zero over 70 cm. No need to kill trophy fish. Do tournaments get exceptions?

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Anglers should be able to take photos of fish outside the sized-based regulations. The LOTW Women's Walley Tournament would not be able to run without taking photos of these fish. I imagine it would also harm the tourism industry. Lire davantage

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We need to take photos of the fish we catch for our women’s walleye tournament to be a success. We monitor and practice safe catch n release of the walleye in lake of the woods.

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As a part of the LOTW Women’s Walleye Tournament, it is incredibly important for anglers in our tournament to be able to photograph all fish caught before release. The tournament switched to the Catch-Capture-Release format a few years ago to ensure that fish survival rate was at its highest. Lire davantage

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You are not addressing the elephant in the room on the Canadian side of the lake, we all know what the problem is on the US side it’s 10000 fish houses with not enough enforcement. The few fish that the tourists, and recreational anglers are taking on the Canadian is nothing. Lire davantage

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The people in eastern Ontario deciding what is best for us dumb northerners again. I live in Kenora and a lot of people I know have heard the rumours about the changes but the east has now made it fact. Not much consultation with the general public, just with a bunch of yes men. Lire davantage

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The MNR should review whats happening on the MN side of the lake. The amount of fish kept on the canadian side is a drop in the bucket in comparison to whats leaving the lake from the minnesota side.

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The change to limits isn’t going to make things better. If anything it is either going to deter people from fishing as often and enjoying the water or it will give people more reason to poach. I am a guide on LOTW and the walleye population to me is better then ever. Lire davantage

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I believe catch and kill regs should have been implemented years ago. Never understood why LOW would be different than Lac Seul. Culling rules have been a large contributor to our problems as well as protective regs for northern pike Lire davantage