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Bill 23 is detrimental to the protection of our wetlands. Wetlands are increasingly important to protect our water resources and mitigate the effects of climate change. Bill 23 will cost the taxpayers of Ontario dearly. The wetland evaluation process must remain intact.

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I have reviewed this proposal, and have a number of concerns about the nature of these changes, and their implications for sustainable ecosystem management in Ontario. Lire davantage

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from my understanding the Ontario government currently wants to drastically overhaul the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System, ensuring that very few wetlands would be deemed provincially significant in the future and that many if not most existing Provincially Significant Wetlands would be vulnerable Lire davantage

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Wetlands need to be protected. This proposal needs to be squashed and the opposite needs to be done. It's insane to think that with all we know this is Evan being proposed. PROTECT THE WETLANDS!!!!! Lire davantage

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As an educator and having my students conduct a Wetland Evaluation, allows the students to see the broad scope of criteria assessed during an evaluation. The list of ecosystem services that wetlands provide, notably in populated areas, is vast. Lire davantage

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Wilderness Committee-Ontario Office

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This proposal is anti-science and anti-wetlands. I fully support the comments and recommendations submitted by Save Ontario Wetlands. Regarding the removal of oversight of the MNRF: what does this Ministry even do anymore? other than shill for extractive industry?? Lire davantage

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I am opposed to any changes that would allow current wetlands to be made available to housing developments. Other solutions are available to increase housing in Ontario without resorting to developing the current Greenbelt as well as current wetlands. Thank you.

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The changes proposed to the OWES is reckless and dangerous. Wetlands must be protected as a nature based solution to fight the adverse effects of climate change. Surely we have many places to build without destroying our precious wetlands or putting a road through them. Lire davantage

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Addressing housing shortages doesn't need to come at the expense of demolishing our wetlands. An irresponsible and reckless thing to do with your mandate.

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I am strongly opposed to proposed changes in Bill 23 to the Ontario Wetlands Evaluation System (OWES) that... • Remove consideration of species at risk. Lire davantage

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Destroying protection for wetlands as part of a bill aiming to build houses speaks for itself. The fact that the wetlands and farmland to be destroyed were bought by donors to the premier speaks of a corrupt and undemocratic political process. Lire davantage

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I do not support the proposed changes to Ontario's wetland evaluation system. I am concerned that the government is trying to disguise these changes as improvements to the OWES. In reality, this is a proposal to deregulate the damage of wetlands. Lire davantage

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It appears that Bill 23 will not conform to the Federal Government's National Climate Adaptation Strategy: Nature and biodiversity Lire davantage

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The government is proposing to amend the 2014 version of the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System (OWES) by eliminating the concept of a “wetland complex” and eliminating the role of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) in identifying wetlands as provincially significant (PSWs). Lire davantage

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Hello: Below are my comments but unfortunately a cut-and-paste didn't bring over the table as wished. So I have attached a Word doc that includes the same comments in tabular form. Thanks for reading the attached doc. Looking forward to a reply. Ralph Lire davantage

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As stated in the proposal details for ERO 019-6160, one of the key purposes for the proposed updates to the Ontario Wetland Evaluation system is to "make changes to better recognize the professional opinion of wetland evaluators." As a certified wetland evaluator under the Ontario Wetland Evaluation Lire davantage

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Considering the current and projected status of endangered species and habitats in Canada, decreasing the protection of wetlands is that last thing that should be on the agenda of our current governmebr. We should be leaders towards a greener future. Lire davantage

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Please look harder at building up, rather than out. Wetlands are too important. Our Greenspace is too important. I am someone who has struggled with housing, and with the increasing costs of housing. But this is not worth relaxing any of our protections for.