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Leave the greenbelt alone. We already have lots of animals going extinct and if you keep building where they live, where will they go? Don't forget coyotes attacking people looking for food. There is plenty if unused rentals and buildings that can be used for housing. Make it work.

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I completely disagree with Doug Fords plan to build over the green belt. This is very concerning when the planned sites benefit his friends and will negatively impact our environment and future generations. This is completely unacceptable. Please respect the green belt

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As a lifetime resident of Ontario, I believe protecting the Greenbelt is of the utmost importance! The environmental impact the green belt has in Ontario is far to critical to the fight against climate change. Lire davantage

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I do not support this! Ford should keep his promise that he would not touch the Greenbelt; he broke that promise; that's not acceptable. The new builds will not be affordable housing, they only serve to make developers rich. Lire davantage

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Building on protected land does nothing to solve key issues we’re currently facing. It’s imperative to keep our natural habitats in tact for our vegetation and animals. We should instead look to our cities vacant buildings and use them first before infringing on very important Canadian ecosystems.

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This proposal is harmful to the environment which the people of Ontario care about. This land is not meant for development of housing for the wealthy. Focus on developing low income, high density housing. Look at repurposing empty office buildings.

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Please leave the Greenbelt alone. That area is rich in much needed farmland, and animal habitat. Not to mention all the trees that provide homes for animals and help keep our polluted air cleaner. Lire davantage

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Do not edit the boundaries of the GreenBelt. We will never recover from that devastating loss. There is other land to build on. We need affordable housing not a million more rental units for $3000/month. The Green Belt needs to be protected and this proposal can be burned.

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In these times, when the importance of stopping climate change is an ever present thought and discussion on the world stage, it would be doing a disservice to not only Ontarians of the present and future, but to every citizen that calls this Earth home if the Ontario government allows development of Lire davantage

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I am very disappointed and frankly tired as well as other natives of Ontario for Doug Ford to propose such plan of using protected green space as a way of expanding building infrastructures. We already have empty and abandon buildings all over Ontario that we can use. Lire davantage

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Mr. Ford is on video saying he wouldn't touch the greenbelt. It is abhorrent that money to line pockets of the already rich, takes priority over maintaining a sensitive protected land. Current and future generations will not look kindly on the Ford government's choices. Lire davantage

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We should not be developing on protected lands. It shouldn’t have to be said that replanting a tree elsewhere doesn’t replace what is removed during land development. A seedling can’t replace a diverse ecosystem. Yes, we need more housing, but developing on this land cannot be the solution. Lire davantage

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Please reconsider allowing developers access to the green belt. Please. I heard Doug Fords promises to ‘keep his hands off of the green belt’, I guess this makes him a liar? Sad. And shameful. Why is it always profit over people.?!

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I strongly oppose this. In 2018, Doug Ford promised to listen to the people and not touch the greenbelt, and the government has continued to promise this in recent years (until now). The Greenbelt is protected for a reason; it provides vital ecosystem services. This is a dangerous precedent. Lire davantage